This is especially true in Crushing (though be careful, as marking does not work in Crushing).

A successful combat encounter can be weighted in your favour with a good stealth start. Pay close attention to the white and yellow detection indicators for each enemy and use the marking system to keep track of where the enemies are patrolling. The tall grass is invaluable for hiding your movement and taking out foes silently.

Stealth plays a major part in UNCHARTED 4’s combat.An orange indicator appears on your aiming reticule when you down an enemy, and an orange burst icon appears when you successfully down an enemy with a highly valuable head shot. Combat is fast and furious, but a few tricks might ease the tension.

Keep your wits about you – many cover objects are destructible and you can't remain behind them forever, so be ready to move quickly.Pay particular attention to how the new rope feature works, as it will be a vital tool that you will use frequently throughout your adventure. The first sections of gameplay introduce you to many of the basic mechanics: traversal, combat, investigating objects.Crushing is best left for subsequent play-throughs, as it is brutal – but if you really want to give it a go it’s unlocked from the start. If you’re a seasoned adventurer, try ramping it up to Hard. If this is your first UNCHARTED adventure, we recommend starting on Moderate or Light. Pick a difficulty level that’s right for you.Prefer it old-school with L1 and R1 as aim and fire, respectively? Fancy playing inverted? Want to swap your control sticks? Go for it! An adventurer is only as good as their tools. There are a multitude of customizable control settings, so find the one that works for you. It’s a good idea to take a few minutes to check out and customize the game options.